Itchy Left Or Right Palm: Superstition Or Spiritual Meaning? (2025)

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A widely believed superstition is that if you have an itchy left palm, you will receive money soon. Or if you have an itchy right palm it means you will lose money. The origin of superstitions is usually unknown but does this superstition hold merit?

Do itchy palms mean you will receive money, or is there a deeper spiritual meaning? Itchy palms, either your right or left palm, can tell you information about how you interact energetically with the world around you. This may be related to finances, but more likely it represents your intuition and what messages you are picking up on from your intuitive guiding system.

They are many possible meanings of what an itchy right or left palm may mean for you, and this article will go over the common reasons why your hands many itch for energetic and spiritual reasons.


Are Itchy Palms a Spiritual Sign?

If you have itchy palms, the first thing you should do is get it looked at by a medical professional to determine if the itching in your palms is not the symptom of an underlying medical issue. To look for signs if your itchy palms could be a medical issue, you can check out these articles from Healthline and Medical News Today.

When you have ruled out that the itching in your hands is not a medical issue, and it is not accompanied by a rash or pain, then itchy palms could be a spiritual sign.

What is the spiritual meaning of itchy hands? Hands are a very important part of the body and a vital part of the energetic system. It represents how we manifest or create our reality, and what we give and take in this lifetime. Itchy hands can often mean that your vibration has shifted, and you feel the tingling sensation of this energetic shift in your palms. This can feel like tingling, itching, a subtle vibration or heat.

In the human energetic system, there are 7 main chakras that are commonly known; however, what is not often discussed is the many other smaller chakras that also appear along meridian lines in the body. Included in these other smaller chakras are your hand chakras. They are located at the center of your hand. Along with these are two smaller energy centers that are connected to the Heart Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra.

When your palms begin to itch, it is often a sign that your heart or solar plexus energies are activated. This could be because you just got into a romantic relationship, are about to find love, are manifesting something in your life, or beginning to feel more confident with yourself. This is where the term “itchy palms” is related to money and finances. These are your manifesting centers.

To read more about the Heart Chakra energies and the Solar Plexus energies, you can read more about them here:The Chakras: What They Are And What They Mean

Understanding the heart and solar plexus chakras can help you determine what the itching in your palms means and how it is relevant to you based on the events happening in your life while the itching is happening.


The Spiritual Meaning of an Itchy Left Palm

Itchy Left Or Right Palm: Superstition Or Spiritual Meaning? (1)

In the energetic system, the left and right sides of the body perform a different function, so which palm you are experiencing itching in could give you information as to why.

For most people, the left hand is the non-dominant hand, and is the hand that receives energy and surrenders to the flow of the universe. It is the “allowing” hand. If your left hand is itching, it can be a sign that you are receiving gifts from the universe right now.

The left hand is also associated with your intuition and feminine energy. If you feel your left palm itching or tingling, it could be a sign that your intuition is working on overdrive right now and there are many spiritual messages that are coming in.

It may be a good idea to find ways to sit still and tune into that inner wisdom that is speaking right now. Meditation or journaling may open a gateway into receiving those messages or give you clarity as to what they mean.

This is especially true if you have been noticing an increase in signs or synchronicities happening around you, such as seeing a repeated number, hearing ringing in your ears, seeing your spirit animal, etc. It would be a good idea to start connecting these synchronistic signs by keeping a journal.

If there are other parts of your left hand that are itching besides your palm, the chart below can explain what those parts of your hands itching means.

Palm Near Your Left Pinky FingerIf your palm is itching near your pinky finger, this is energy related to your sacral chakra or 2nd chakra. This energy center is all about emotions, relationships, intimacy, sex, and creativity. In your left hand, this is about receiving these energies into your life. Itching represents that energy trying to come into your life, and the message is to open up space for that to come in. It may be a new romance or new emotions from a current relationship.
Left WristThe wrist is associated with the root chakra, and itching near the left wrist is related to allowing things to happen, instead of trying to control every outcome. The message is to release the stress of needing things to be a certain way, and to open up to the magic that can happen with you allow the universe to flow into your life.
Left Tip of the ThumbThe tip of the thumb is related to energies of the crown chakra, and itching at the tip of the left thumb is a sign that you have spiritual energies that are very active in your life. You may be contacted by your Angels, or feel a need to connect to yourself spiritually. It may be a good time to go on a meditation retreat.
Left Middle ThumbThe middle of the thumb is related to the energies of the third eye, and itching on the left middle of the thumb is about your intuition. You may experience increase synchronicities, and intuitive messages coming in when you left middle thumb begins to itch.
Left Lower ThumbThe base of your thumb is related to your throat chakra energy, and itching at the lower-left thumb is related to communication. It is a sign that someone is trying to communicate with you, but either you don’t want to listen, or they are afraid. It is a sign that someone is thinking about you, such as a romantic partner.
Left Center of HandThe very center of your hand is where your concentrated hand chakra energy is, and is related to your overall well-being. If there is an itch in the middle of your hand, it is a sign that you are agitated and feel stagnant. Traveling or moving could be helpful for you to feel a restart in your energy.


The Spiritual Meaning of an Itchy Right Palm

As the left hand is related to receiving energy and feminine energy, the right hand is associated with giving energy and masculine energy. The energy from the right hand is all about taking action, creating, manifesting and doing.

With the two energies of your left and right hands, there is a yin and yang balance between the two of them which keeps the energetic flow throughout your body circulating. When these energies are blocked, it can make you feel depressed, stagnant, agitated and unwell.

Itchiness in your right palm is related to feeling as though you are being controlled or limited from living the life that you feel would give you more joy. This could be related to being stuck at a job you don’t like or having a boss that makes you feel worthless. It could be that you are in a relationship that no longer makes you happy, and you feel you have no more to give into the partnership.

Having itchiness in your right hand is also a sign that you have more of an electric charge to your “taking action” energy, and this could be a great time to take action on your goals. If you are stuck on a decision, this could be a sign to make the decision and go for it.

In this way, having an itchy right palm could be a sign that money is headed your way, in the sense that you have more manifesting energy and may attract finances more easily.

If there are other parts of your right hand that are itching besides your palm, the chart below can explain what those parts of your hands itching means.

Palm Near Your Right Pinky FingerIf your palm is itching near your pinky finger, this is energy related to your sacral chakra, or 2nd chakra. This energy center is all about emotions, relationships, intimacy, sex and creativity. In your right hand, this is about releasing energy. Itching represents the need for stuck energy to move out through the hands. There may be stuck emotions, most likely around love, emotions, relationships or self-image that need to come to the surface.
Right WristThe wrist is associated with the root chakra, and itching near the right wrist is related to setting boundaries instead of having other people control your life. The message is to learn to say “no” and to begin to take action to create a life that brings you joy. This could mean leaving a job, relationship, friendship or moving to a new area.
Right Tip of the ThumbThe tip of the thumb is related to energies of the crown chakra, and itching at the tip of the right thumb is a sign that you are in a spiritual growth period. There may be some things showing up in your life that seem challenging or exhausting because you are stepping into a higher vibration. The period right before a spiritual growth period is always difficult, but it is a sign that you are growing, and soon things will be better.
Right Middle ThumbThe middle of the thumb is related to the energies of the third eye, and itching on the right middle of the thumb is about your intuition. This is a sign that you should act on your intuition if you feel that you should make a decision. If you are a logical person, and your right middle thumb itches a lot, it is a sign that your logic may be preventing you from taking risks that will make you more fulfilled.
Right Lower ThumbThe base of your thumb is related to your throat chakra energy, and itching at the lower-right thumb is related to communication. This is a sign that you are avoiding having a difficult conversation with someone or your communication with others or yourself is blocked. Writing down your innermost thoughts could be helpful to understand why you feel blocked.
Right Center of HandThe very center of your hand is where your concentrated hand chakra energy is, and is related to your overall well-being. If there is an itch in the right middle of your hand, it is a sign that you are very creative and are a manifestor. Doing a creative project or taking action on your goals can make you feel more balanced.


The Spiritual Meaning of Both Palms Itching

While uncommon, it is possible to experience both palms itching at the same time. So, what does it mean when both hands feel itchy?

Having both hands itching is a sign that you have a heightened sensitivity to energy, which also means that you are most likely sensitive to the energies of other people. This can mean that you need to take care of your energetic health more than most others.

This can be a sign that you are empathic or a highly sensitive person, and have a very nurturing and compassionate spirit. It could be a sign that you are gifted in healing with your hands, and that a career in energy healing or healing arts could be fulfilling.

Once you begin to let your true self begin to help and heal others, the itching will most likely subside, as now this energy has a place to go. Keeping the connection and flow with others in a positive way, so that they can heal, is important for your energetic health.



Every person has an intricate and unique energetic system, so determining the reason why your palms are itching is best to be done by you and your own intuition. If something resonates with you, I invite you to explore it further. If not, disregard it and keep exploring. If you sit still and ask your higher self why your palms are itchy, the answer will be provided.

Like everything on this site and on the internet, use your intuition when deciding what is showing up in your life as a spiritual sign. While this is one interpretation of the spiritual meaning of your itchy palms and hands, everyone has their own spiritual signs and language.

Disclaimer: Information provided on this web site is the opinion of Crystal Clear Intuition at and may vary from the opinions of others, and should not be taken as fact. This information is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments. As with any information found on the internet, use your intuition to determine what is best for you.

Itchy Left Or Right Palm: Superstition Or Spiritual Meaning? (2025)
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